(816) 479-0462

Raccoons Hibernation Process

Raccoons look like monkeys and have blackish and grey shade fur on their body who are notorious for bringing serious damages to your property. Raccoons, like any other creature, only invade your home or yard because there’s something there that they need. In most cases, that something is food. They are known to destroy the sofas and beds to find themselves a comfortable home.

What is the hibernation period?

Many creatures in the animal kingdom seek someplace for the winter and hibernate during the cold months of the year. Animals who are quite diverse from one another, such as bears and bats, spend cold months in a place where they can stay out of the cold temperatures and harsh environmental conditions. They live on the fat of their body which keeps them warm during cold times of the year, and when it is warm enough to begin their normal life, they come out of their hideouts.

They go on to sleep that lasts nearly the whole of the winter season. In this hibernation period, their body temperature drops and they survive on the fat of their body. Their breathing slows down during this period, and so is their heart rate. The amount of time that animals spend in the hibernation depends on the kind of animal, climate and many other factors which determine the hibernation period. This hibernation helps them conserve energy, and one of the primary reasons behind this hibernation is the unavailability of food.

Do raccoons hibernate?

Raccoons are wild animals who are found in the human accommodations, and they usually don’t hibernate. They hide in the warm places when it gets cold, and when the weather is favorable, they come out of their hideouts. Before the winter, they east in large amounts and wear a thick skin of fat on their body which keeps them safe from harsh weather conditions.

The fat on their body helps them to withstand cold weather. They are omnivorous and can eat anything they find. They are fond of pests and dig up lawns looking for grubs. This can be a good time to look for raccoons in your garden before they settle in their dens.


Raccoons mostly cover themselves up with the thick layer of fat on their body, and this helps them stay warm in the cold weather. Raccoons keep themselves full for the entire winter with the oak seeds, and they lose around 50% of their weight if they go down for hibernation in the intense weather. They are nocturnal animals and are active in the night when humans are sleeping tight. To identify their location, look for the waste and poop or their dens in the gardens.

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